Anticipated delivery volume? Average of 5-8 per weekendLevel of nursery? Level 2High Risk Patient protocol? Delivered there unless needing level III NICU or perinatal would transport to Community NorthWho administers anesthesia? Some CRNA and AnesthesiaSupport staff? No APPFlexible with dates but this is what is needed: October 28 (10pm) October 31 (5am) November 4 (5pm)-7(7am) November 11 (5pm)-14 (7am) December 2(5pm)-5(7am) December 9(5pm)-12(7am) January 6(5pm)-9(7am) January 13(5pm)-16(7am) February 3(5pm)-6(7am) February 10(5pm)-13(7am) March 3(5pm)-6(7am) March 10(5pm)-13(7am)